Proper Trenching Technique

    Please review this video to learn how to properly use your TrenchBadger Pro.

    Removing and Installing your Blades

    Follow these steps to remove and re-install blades on your TrenchBadger Pro.

    Connecting the 4-Cycle Honda Engine to Trencher

    The engine for your TrenchBadger Pro12 ships separately from the rest of the trencher to avoid damage during shipping. Follow these instructions to complete the assembly.

          • 2 Cycle - Efco Engine

            Click the link below to download the Owner's Manual for TrenchBadger Pro12 - 2 Cycle Efco Engine

            Click Here 
          • 4 Cycle - Honda Engine

            Click the link below to download the Owner's Manual for TrenchBadger Pro12 - 4 Cycle Honda Engine

            Click Here